Belle Vue Street, Gorton, Manchester, M12 5PW

0161 223 9325 - option 2

All Saints Primary School

"Aiming High"

School Lunches


Children can choose what they want for lunch every morning using our Lunchound ordering system. Payments for school lunches can be made via the ParentMail app.  Current prices are £2.60 per day or £13.00 per week. When the children enter the hall at lunchtime, they simply tap the photo of themselves and their lunch is prepared for them there and then.


To Book a Lunch

To book a lunch,  we encourage the children to select their lunch each morning in class from one of the delicious options available that day. If a child as any allergies they will select the medical diet option.



LunchHound is unable to prevent the selection of items your child is allergic to unless this information is already held in the schools management information system. Please ensure this is up to date directly with the school.


 Medical Diets and Requirements​

The process for requesting a medical diet for your child has now been digitalised. The following points explain the new process.

1. If your child requires a medical diet due to a food allergy, food intolerance or a medical condition that requires an adapted menu (e.g. carbohydrate count for Type 1 Diabetes), please follow this link to request a medical diet:

2. Fill in the form ensuring all data fields are completed. Before you complete the form, you will need to know the postcode of your child’s school (All Saints Post Code - M12 5PW). You will also need to upload a recent photograph of your child.

3. You will need to provide medical evidence in the form of a letter from a GP, paediatrician, or dietitian if your child has allergies that fall outside of the top 14 allergens or, if your child has a medical condition requiring an adapted menu. For further guidance on completing the online form, please see the attached user guide.

4. After you have clicked the ‘submit’ button, the system will send you an automated email containing a link which you must click on to verify your email address.

5. Once you have verified your email address, the system will notify your child’s school of your request and will ask them to confirm your child’s details. After the school have approved the request, we will send you another notification email to inform you that your request has been sent to our dietitians for processing. You will then receive a confirmation email when the request has been processed by our dietitians. The school office will be provided with a copy of your child’s medical diet menu within 2 weeks of your initial request, which they will pass on to you.


Kindly note, that paper requests will no longer be accepted. If you have any queries, please contact the school office.

What's on the Menu?

Our meals are provided by Taylor Shaw, please see below for a copy of our Autumn /Winter Term Lunch Menu.

Autumn/Winter Menu